
It’s okay to set the past down. When we do this, it always looks different than we expected because all expectations are based on past learning. It’s infinitely better than anything the past has taught us or that we’ve outlined in our plans! Don’t worry; you will have everything you need and more.

When we truly lay down the past, Continue Reading »

Happy Easter!

With Easter, Passover, and spring, I can’t help but think about renewal, fresh starts, and new beginnings today. Newness is singing to us in everything. It always is, and when we are willing to look upon anything with fresh eyes and an open mind, unfettered by past experiences and yesterday’s beliefs, we see it singing to us in and through everything.

I try to look at everything like Continue Reading »


Bonjour! I just flew back from Paris yesterday. I had a bit of a problem posting while I was gone, but I’m back…

It can sometimes seem like nothing is happening, but deep roots are growing beneath the surface to support the magnificent blessings that will eventually sprout. The key in life is to learn not to judge or draw conclusions based on how things appear but to look Continue Reading »

I started PSP&Co. in 2013 during a period that I can only describe as so dark that I would have never thought someone could walk through it and live to tell about it. I’ve had a lot of deep challenges in my life, but this one was unlike anything I thought possible.

Leading up to this, I completely lost interest in painting, and being a professional fine artist, this was a little problematic. I didn’t want to ever paint again. I also taught spiritual principles, did some speaking, and wrote volumes from a deeper, more high-minded, and oh-so-serious place.

One day I started doodling, looking for anything to focus on other than the pain I felt. Two little characters popped out, fashioned after my little dog and me. I added some words to the image and posted it on Facebook just for the hell of it. I felt just a tiny bit of warmth within, so I did another one.

Creating these little images made me smile a little bit, and since nothing made me smile, I kept doing it. Others seemed to be drawn to them. Doing this was the only thing that felt like the tiniest light in that dark cave, so I kept going.

Fast forward, and she now has well over a million social media followers and two sold-out books (I don’t sell anything at this time). I get many messages about how they bring a little smile to hurting hearts.

I just followed the moment-to-moment inner prompts. I followed the feelings of joy, however faint. Believe me, before this, if anyone had told me that I would paint little sparkly images and write about spiritual principles using words like tutus and fairy dust, I would have laughed so hard that my tiara would have flown off!

These moment-to-moment prompts lead us down paths we could have never imagined. Every time I have been led in a new direction, it is always something I had never imagined. What I can imagine is necessarily from the past.

We can learn from the past; the most important lesson is that it has passed and isn’t now.

I was more than a little shocked at one point when I realized that I was afraid to let my inner light shine. I really wasn’t even aware that I had this fear, but once I became aware of it, I also began to see how upside-down our thinking often is regarding this.

It can seem like playing small is humility, but it’s actually the exact opposite; humility allows the immeasurable light within to shine forth. This light isn’t something we made; it has nothing to do with anything we’ve done or not done. We have nothing to do with it because it’s not Continue Reading »

Start fresh…

Yesterday is gone. No matter what happened yesterday, it remains yesterday. It doesn’t define us and doesn’t make us what we are. I know it’s commonly said that the past brings us to where we are and to what we are, but there’s a higher way of seeing and living; we can go beyond even this and see that what we are isn’t Continue Reading »

Like the Sun, the light is always shining within, but sometimes we have to pass through some dark clouds to see it.

Hang on. Don’t be fooled by the darkness; when we pass through, it’s sometimes an indication that we are moving closer to that light. We will never be left in the dark. We all push through eventually and blossom. It’s our destiny to blossom.

I know it can seem challenging, but the best way I’ve seen to pass through those dark clouds is Continue Reading »

Better days…

Better days don’t just come; they require our participation and willingness to allow them to come into our experience. It’s not blind faith or some sort of wishcraft.

Better days tomorrow are found by what I do today, in this moment. Every moment offers a fresh opportunity for these “better days,” but it’s something Continue Reading »

Wakey, wakey!

It’s the first day of spring, and it’s about bloomin’ time! Wakey, wakey! It’s time to blossom.

Press pause…