
Maybe today?

If anyone is looking for me today, you know where to find me. My little merpup and I will be deep-diving to where the sounds and sights are quiet. I highly recommend it.

Detour ahead…

We all have ideas of what we need, what we want, and what will make us happy. The problem with our ideas isn’t that we ask too much but that we ask too little.

I’m never referring to things or being greedy. The things are the least of it and automatically follow when we dare to pioneer the inner depths. True joy is only found within.

We are usually led either through the willingness to hear and follow directly or Continue Reading »

Mirror, mirror…

It always seems like we need to get something “out there” to make us happy. Someone or something needs to change or is withholding something from us. However, this places us at the mercy of the “out there” and can lead to frustration and a deep sense of powerlessness.

The good news is that we actually experience what we give out, however much it might seem otherwise, and we are not at the mercy of anything. I can always choose to see through more loving eyes. Nobody and nothing can stop me from doing this. I can always choose to forgive. I can always choose to be grateful, and as I choose these things, I will see more love, kindness, and forgiveness shining back at me because I gave it.

But as I always say, don’t take my word for it. Take it into the laboratory of your own life and find out for yourself.

Try this simple exercise: Sit quietly with your eyes closed and allow someone to come to mind. While imagining this person, begin offering her or him everything that you want to experience.

May you have a deep sense of peace.
May you know you are always cared for and never alone.
May you feel love fill your heart and see it shining back at you in everything.
Offer this person everything you want to experience.

Then think of someone who annoys you and do the same thing. Eventually, try to work up to those you actively resent or you believe have done you wrong.

Let your own experience teach you that you can never lose by giving and that what you give, you are giving to yourself.

Always remember…

I had deep feelings of despair from a very young age. I looked everywhere, and in everything that the world says we can find happiness and fulfillment, but it always ended up like sand in my hand, leaving me with a deeper sense of emptiness.

I found an indescribable sense of peace only after I began Continue Reading »

It can certainly look like some people are anything but a blessing. When I am willing, in some measure, to accept the idea that everything is a gift, I find my greatest challenges often transform into the greatest blessings.

A friend of mine went to a benefit at the local zoo when her friend unexpectedly pressed her hands against the great ape glass enclosure and repeated, “I love you,” over and over. After several repetitions, a large silver-back sauntered over to the glass, placed his hands over hers, and looked into her eyes. She repeated this same exercise with the camels, and they, too, approached her. (And then some men in white coats came and “escorted” her out. Wink.)

I love animals, and as much as I don’t know if I would do this, it did get me thinking. Continue Reading »

We can be so afraid of the unknown. We sometimes even cling to the most terrible things because we believe they’re still better than the unknown. So what do we do? Particularly when we see something that scares us on the horizon? Continue Reading »

When we hold onto what needs to fall away and keep looking in the rearview mirror, we miss the new blossoms coming into view.  There are always new blossoms, but we can’t see them as long as we are looking in the opposite direction.

As we begin to take our focus off of the past, we can sometimes feel Continue Reading »

Like the Sun, the light is always shining within, but sometimes we have to pass through some dark clouds to see it.

Hang on. Don’t be fooled by the darkness; when we pass through, it’s sometimes an indication that we are moving closer to that light. We will never be left in the dark. We all push through eventually and blossom. It’s our destiny to blossom.

I know it can seem challenging, but the best way Continue Reading »

Happy Easter