A little reminder to myself and anyone else who might need this today.

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My new house…

Well, the theme continues. I must say that I really enjoy creating these more magical images; they are a welcome respite from all the heaviness that seems to be happening in the world now.

Through them, I feel like I sprout wings, live with the fairies, fly on unicorns, and become a firefly…for at least a little while. I’m not sure I’ll be coming back.

My deep hope is that you find a moment of rest and hope in them as well and that they sprinkle a little magical fairy dust on your life.

I felt the need to post something hopeful. Creating this image yesterday stirred something in me that’s very difficult to put into words. It’s as though it roused a sleeping sense of magic and wonder and the desire to not just “color outside of the lines” but to fly far beyond them and never look back.

Does this image stoke something in you as well?

As I was writing this just now, I quickly looked at another window I had open on my computer, and these words stared back at me in big, bold letters: SHARE THE JOY. 

For those searching for an escape strategy, I recently offered an air option via flying unicorns and a mermaid tail for those who prefer the sea. Apparently, some fear water AND flying, so here’s another option. Phew! My work is never done. 

I have now covered air, land, and sea. If none of these work for you, I suggest spiritual transcendence, my favorite route, albeit a little more work. (Not to be mistaken with “love-and-lighting” or “thoughts-and-prayering,” also known as spiritual denial.)

Under the sea…

I recently shared a post about flying over the rainbow on your unicorn, but for those who are afraid of heights, flying, or (gasp) don’t believe in unicorns, here’s another exit strategy for you.

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Believe me, sometimes I’m just done with all the things that “will make me stronger,” but I always seem to feel grateful for these challenges once I’m through the storm.

Passing through the dark clouds towards the sun isn’t fun, but you will bloom again…we will bloom again, with stronger roots and more beautiful blossoms.



If your halo is banged up, it might be because you’re like me and attempt to fly more than most.

I am deeply spiritual. I am not religious, although I see a thread of truth running through various religious texts. I never talk about the depths I go to with anyone; it’s literally beyond words, so there’s no point in trying to talk about it. Continue Reading »

I don’t have any clever or inspiring words today, and this candle is all I could manage to paint last night.

There I was, 16 years old; my mother had passed three years prior.  I had no parental guidance, and any “parenting” I did receive was in the form of threats, physical violence, and criticism.  My father was an alcoholic with so many of his own demons. I was shy and often had thoughts of wanting it all to end, even if that meant dying. I was a child. I didn’t know how to help myself, and there wasn’t anybody who reached out to help. My closest friends had given up on me. They were children too. They didn’t know how to help me. Continue Reading »

Things are rarely as they appear to be, and our spiritual growth is no exception. There have been times when I thought I might be regressing when it eventually became clear that I was making tremendous progress. Continue Reading »