
It’s already yours…

Yes, I have searched frantically for my phone while talking on my phone. Like many of us, I have also done the same with my glasses resting on the top of my head all along.

Most of us are driving through life, searching for the gifts that are sitting on the roof of our car. It’s not personal; we just have to learn how to see what is already ours–what is already given. Continue Reading »

Unwrap the moment…

We were in Napa Valley for a while, getting our current house ready to sell. We’ve been building a new house for a few years, and it’s getting close-ish to the finish line.

It has been quite a while since I have been out to see the progress in person; I have been working remotely with the team. Seeing it in person took my breath away. So many great peeps came together to create this exquisite space, particularly our project manager, Justin Lee, who hunted down local artisans to make our vision come to life.

It was a lot of work and very interesting at times. While sifting through belongings I hadn’t seen in some time, I felt a little like I was going through someone else’s things. I knew I had changed, but I’m not sure I knew how much. There were also moments that felt like opening new gifts on Christmas.

I have had many different experiences in life. There have been times when I seemed to have almost nothing and times when I have had a lot. I’m so grateful for both because I’ve learned that real peace and joy aren’t about things…at all. I have felt profound joy and peace at times when I had nothing and profound joy and peace when I’ve had a lot. (I have also felt pain at times in both.) It is possible to experience peace no matter what the situation.

We do not need an “Instagram life” to find peace. In fact, sometimes, this can make it a little more challenging because it can become a distraction from what is truly important.

I’ve had some spiritual students over the years if you will. Invariably, when you begin to seriously see the truth, circumstances in your life begin to improve, sometimes dramatically. When this begins to happen, I’ve often told students that this is when they have to become more vigilant so they stay on track.

I just glanced up and saw the dancing candles I light each morning, and my heart is filled with joy! Join me today in remembering to look for joy?


The highest prayer that I have experienced is the song of thanks. This prayer asks for nothing in the realization that all has already been given. Words fail to describe the experience, but it’s not gratitude for things but a profound sense of fullness, completion, and joy.

I didn’t start here; it took a long time to learn this way of praying. At first, I Continue Reading »

Life’s detours…

I don’t think anything in my life has gone as I thought it would…thankfully. As it turns out, my ideas of what I wanted and needed were far too small. And even though I’ve seen some magnificent things far beyond my wildest imagination, I know this is still the tippy tip of an infinite iceberg.

We all have ideas of what we need, what we want, and what will make us happy. The problem isn’t that we ask too much of life but Continue Reading »

During some of my most profound spiritual experiences, I’ve seen that every single thing that has ever happened to me has been leading me to incomprehensibly beautiful roads. There have simply been no mistakes, no matter how it might have looked, although there were many things I didn’t understand at the time and judged as very bad from my very limited perspective.

It’s like there’s an infinitely large tapestry. When we’re up close to it, we might see Continue Reading »

Where is it?

I looked everywhere that we are supposed to find happiness and fulfillment, leaving no stone unturned, and yet they both remained elusive. Where do you search when you’ve looked everywhere?

I had no idea what I was doing when I decided to look within; I just wanted even the tiniest moment of reprieve from the deep inner turmoil that was my “normal.” Continue Reading »

Hello November!

Happy Halloween!

To boo or not to boo?

Those ghosts can be very spooky, but one thing is true about the past: it’s gone.

Today is filled with gifts. They are clouded by those pesky past ghosts, but just like the Sun, they are always there shining, just waiting for us to look past the clouds.

How do we do this? How do we see these gifts? Continue Reading »

Your heart always knows what is best for everyone. (Not the romantic heart but your inner wisdom or inner GPS.)