
Cackle! Cackle!



I’ve broken too many times to count. I’ve come to see that breaking is underrated. Yep. You read that right. Continue Reading »

Our culture doesn’t allow much room for learning when we are adults; we are just supposed to already know everything. Learning means we don’t know; somehow, not knowing is seen as a weakness. When we are learning, we make mistakes, and sometimes we fall down, and that’s okay. The biggest mistakes we can make are to believe we already know everything, that we don’t need to learn, and to give up when we fall down while learning.

I’ve found the strongest place I can be is Continue Reading »

How do we stop worrying? Well, we don’t try to stop worrying as that is often just denial, but we can bring our focus to this moment and find peace.

Worrying is always a fear related to the future, and the only change that can Continue Reading »


I know it can seem like this isn’t true, but it’s no fairy tale. I’ve seen too many astounding things to believe otherwise, but it takes actual experiences; otherwise, it’s just blind faith.

So, how do we have these experiences? How do we begin to see that we aren’t these tiny, limited mortals at the mercy of so many things outside our control? Continue Reading »

It’s time…

It’s time to bring my fall clothing out of storage. Cackle! Cackle!

How to have everything…

Inner peace isn’t found by searching for a different person, place, thing, condition, or circumstance. I know it can seem like these are the answers to our problems (whatever we see as stealing or threatening our peace).

But if we were really honest with ourselves, we’d see that we Continue Reading »

I’m working on mastering the art of doing nothing. This should not be confused with laziness. (Although there’s nothing wrong with some good ol’ fashioned lazy days, too.)

Doing nothing is an inner resting that you can actually practice even while you seem to be busy doing things. Huh?

Doing nothing is the practice Continue Reading »