
Feeling broken?


My precious sister passed 11 years ago today. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post anything about it today but I feel like I want to just say this:
I am so fortunate and infinitely grateful that you are my sister Roxy. I will love you forever.

True story…

There is a way of looking that doesn’t involve the eyeballs. It’s a knowing. It’s an awareness. What do we become aware of when we see in this way? Love’s presence. Love, Big Love, singing in and through everything. xo

It’s been almost a year since my little Boo, aka Prince Pup, traded in his fur coat for angel wings. Please…I AM NOT sad. I’m not sad because this little one isn’t gone from me. I feel him, probably more truly than I did when I could see him physically. (And ya can’t be sad for what you haven’t lost.) He continues to be one of my greatest teachers. I am so deeply grateful for all that he continues to teach me.

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