


My little heart’s nudges are leading me to Paris! Sadly, Prince Pucci will not be joining us, but he will be well taken care of.

I’m most looking forward to indulging in a lot of croissants, pastries…and Chanel.

Is your heart leading you to go on any adventures?

Winds may blow…

Winter is letting us know it’s not over yet where I am. I love winter. Ice storms? Not so much, but they can be beautiful if you don’t have to go out in them.

Appreciate the things with real value today. The more we appreciate them, look for them and express them, the more they grow in and around us.

It’s a new day!

It’s a new day! It’s unwritten and a new adventure. The past only mucks it up if we stay on yesterday’s page.
Can you find Prince Pucci?


Happy Valentine’s Day!

The love we seek is seeking us; it’s always been inside, waiting for an invitation.

She searched here, there, and everywhere and discovered that all she had been seeking was within her all along.

All the failures weren’t failures at all; she had just been looking in the wrong place. In order to find something, anything, one must look to where it exists. Don’t look outside of yourself, and you’ll find everything you long for…and so much more.

Did someone say sundae?

One of the most delicious mistakes I’ve ever made.

I think I might single-handedly keep the ice cream industry thriving. Hey, it’s a public service. My favorite flavors are, uh, who am I kidding? The flavors I don’t like would be a far shorter list. If I had to pick just one, it would be a banana split. Wink.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Can you find Prince Pucci?

Today is the day! It’s the only day we can live, so don’t spend too much time putting it off until tomorrow.

Buy some balloons or some fresh flowers today for yourself or someone else. Use those things reserved for “special occasions.” (Like your bunny slippers. Wink.) Laugh, play, be silly and allow yourself to make mistakes.

But most importantly, speak from your heart and express love as much and as often as you can. Without expectation of a return. Let the love you feel in your heart be payment enough. I am certain that these things are something we never regret doing.

Thank you!

Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday! It was a magical day filled with lots of flowers, cupcakes, loved ones…and, thanks to my hubby, some Chanel.

Dominic is a 7-year-old fan of PSP&Co who lives locally. His mom delivered this sweet picture he created for me yesterday. Isn’t it awesome! (Show Dominic some love.) Thank you Dominic! I hung it in the kitchen.

The cupcakes are another gift. They are too pretty to eat! Apparently, a couple of local gals make them. @lafleurcupcakes

There were some other pretty pink cupcakes from another friend, but I ate them before I took the pictures. Oopsie. They were de-lish!

Thank you again for taking a moment to wish me a happy day.



Time to celebrate!

Consider this your permission slip if you need one: You can eat cake today!