

I had deep feelings of despair from a very young age. I looked everywhere, and in everything that the world says, we can find happiness and fulfillment, but it always ended up like sand in my hand, leaving me with a deeper sense of emptiness.

I found an indescribable sense of peace only after I Continue Reading »

Our pup friends are such wonderful teachers. We can really learn a lot from them about how to treat one another.

Could you imagine if we Continue Reading »


Rest. Lay down your struggles and rest. If only for a moment. You are loved and cared for beyond comprehension. Right here. Right now. No matter what it might look like, this is still the only truth. Rest.

Your heart is always singing this song to you and only wants you to hear its sweet melody. It will never stop singing to you. Nothing you can do or ever have done could change this.

How do you rest your mind? There are many, many Continue Reading »

Why am I here?

“Why am I here?” I asked inwardly.

“You are here for a reason,” the inner Voice that had become so familiar to me responded, and I knew I was right where I needed to be.

I had been living in a deep spiritual state for quite some time when every door closed, and I had the choice between living on the street or staying with my dad. Continue Reading »

Imagine you’re in a small boat floating in a crystal clear lagoon. The sun is shining, and all is well. Bam! Suddenly something hits your boat from behind. You whirl around, and anger rises as you see that it is another small boat.

But the boat appears to be empty. Where do you direct your anger? Toward the idiot who forgot to tie up their boat? The current?

You then notice a tarp in the boat that appears to be covering something. Curious now, you Continue Reading »

Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of all-caps and exclamation points preaching about various spiritual and religious beliefs. Often in an angry tone, particularly when the word or words they use to point to something isn’t being used. I’ve never understood any of this, to be honest.

Words, words, words…little tiny symbols strung together to form more symbols that point to something. Words are Continue Reading »

Things are rarely as they appear, and our spiritual growth is no exception. There have been times when I thought I might be regressing when it eventually became clear that I was making tremendous progress.

Sometimes it looks like things are falling apart when we are actually making Continue Reading »

A little reminder to anyone who might need this today.

I know it sometimes seems like this isn’t true, but just because something seems to be true doesn’t mean it is true. It looks like the sun disappears at night, some trees die in the wintertime, and that roads narrow and disappear in the distance.

We don’t panic when Continue Reading »

Unicorn wisdom…

There is a mythical creature whose beauty cannot be looked upon without tears and whose innocence can’t be marred.

Once one glimpses it, their whole purpose becomes following its trail for the tiniest sip of its sublime nectar. Those who find its dwelling place want for nothing. Continue Reading »

Yeah, but…

I shared something a couple of days ago about how others often only see us through the lens of their past experiences of us.  The point of this post was not about how others see us, however; it was about how we do the same thing to others. It was about opening our own minds to seeing others in a new light. 

Pointing the finger at others, a person, or a group as the cause of our suffering is a real crowd-pleaser, but the problem is that it never works; it never brings us any real sense of peace or happiness.  I am never suggesting that this is the way.

I have learned to take the suggestions that something or someone needs to be different for me to be happy and use them to help point me in the direction where I can find a real sense of happiness and peace.  Continue Reading »