
Archive for January, 2024

Road Closed…

I’m happily chugging along in a direction. Boom! An obstacle falls in my path that I can’t go around. I used to get upset when this happened, but now I feel grateful because it’s clear guidance that I am headed in the wrong direction. I have had way too many experiences now that have proven that these obstacles protect me from driving off a cliff.

When this happens, it doesn’t always (more…)

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Just breathe…

“Why am I here?” I asked inwardly. I had been living in a deep spiritual state for quite some time when every door closed, and I had the choice between living on the street or staying with my dad.

Dad and I had a long history of hostility. We were left with him after Mom passed; he had a lot of demons and was an abusive alcoholic. I saw him through kinder and gentler eyes after I began having profound spiritual experiences, but I still didn’t want to live with him. God had other plans.

“You are here for a reason,” the inner Voice that had become so familiar to me responded, and I knew I was right where I needed to be.

Over the next several months, Dad and I baked together and laughed while I redecorated his house. One day, as he stood in the living room doorway teasing me, I knew he wouldn’t be here much longer. A couple of months later, I lived at his hospital bedside. I read him letters I wrote late at night while he slept, sang softly to him (much to his dismay), and cared for him as he transitioned.

Even when the doctors said he was no longer responsive, I could still feel him communicating with me and felt a deep, inexplicable peace. People would enter the room and remark about the feeling in the room.

“What happened between you and dad?” my siblings would ask. What happened? What happened is that I saw him. I saw through what he seemed to be to what he always was hiding behind that dark glass, and I adored him beyond words.

He communicated with me until his last breath, and the next morning, I awoke to his voice within me. It was him, but so gentle and kind that I almost didn’t recognize him. “Thank you, my daughter, my friend, my spiritual sister. I didn’t understand the importance of what you are doing, but I do now. You helped me more than you know, and now I’m here to help you.” I continued to hear him for a long time.

I have seen that we are always right where we need to be. There aren’t any mistakes. Trust. Ask for help to see the gifts right where you are today.

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If things are hard…

I started meditating many years ago during yet another very challenging period. I had tried everything, looked under every rock for some sense of solace, and found none. I had no idea what I was doing when I began; all I knew was that the only place I hadn’t looked was within and that I had nothing to lose by trying.

Maybe due to the desperation I felt, or perhaps it was some other reason that I have no knowledge of, but (more…)

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Keep your chin up…

Help prevent tiara slippage…Keep your head held high!

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Follow the joy…

The idea of following your dreams, or following your heart, has spiritual significance for me. It’s not about romance, becoming famous, money, finding a career or job, or becoming successful as the world defines it.

After I began having profound spiritual experiences many years ago, my goal became to learn how to listen and follow the (more…)

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It’s okay…

Be gentle with your precious self. Treat yourself like you would your own child or your best friend.

My mother became ill when I was eight years old and passed when I was thirteen. She left behind six children; the youngest was seven. My dad was an often violent yet functioning alcoholic who had never done a load of laundry or cooked a meal, let alone know how to parent six children. He was deeply wounded from his own childhood as well.

When I got older, I realized I had to learn how to parent that very wounded child that still lived in me. One of the first things I learned was to give myself permission to not be okay sometimes and to simply care for myself. I really had no reference point for someone caring for me. This was the beginning of healing for me.

My dad passed when I was still pretty young as well, but we had a profound healing of our relationship just before he transitioned. I wouldn’t change a thing about my childhood or my father. I am deeply grateful for all of it.

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A gentle reminder…

Here’s an exercise I found very helpful many years ago that I invite you to try.

Sit down, close your eyes, and get quiet. Imagine you have a pile of responsibilities, burdens, and regrets sitting next to you. In front of you is a brilliant, all-loving light a short distance away.

Pick up each specific person, thing, circumstance, or condition and carry it to the outstretched arms of this all-loving light. It does not matter if it’s a big or a tiny thing. It does not matter what it is, how long ago, or whether it’s some concern for the future or a past regret. Include them all in your pile.

Say something like this as you carry them all one by one to the light: “I can’t take care of this. I was mistaken. I never could, and neither did you expect me to. I trust it to you. You have been waiting for me to give it to you.”

Make sure you also carry all those you love, feel responsible for, and worry about, and place them in this light. Believe me, they will be in much better hands.

You might want to have a fresh box of tissues nearby.

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Angel messages are everywhere–a little nudge, a feeling, a clear inner voice, as well as detours and roadblocks when necessary. But we’re like little children who sometimes run ahead of their guardians, thinking they know the way. Most of my problems (if not all) were when I forged ahead, believing I could be my own guide instead of listening for direction.

I might just be slow, but I’ve found it takes a lot of practice to recognize I don’t know, step back, and let inner Wisdom lead the way. I have to constantly remind myself that I have no idea what is best for me or anyone else. Too many times, I’ve thought I really needed or wanted something, and it turned out to be like a baby playing with matches. (Yep, I often cried when they were pried from my fingers.)

When I’m willing to inwardly listen and (more…)

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Knock. Knock.

Most of us are constantly see-sawing between the past and the future. The past is gone, and we actually never reach the future either; the only place we can ever live is in this moment.

But how do we let go of the past? The only way I know is to endeavor to stay in the now. The now is more than just what we seem to see, hear, and can touch; it is an awareness of so much more than that. The real now is a spiritual awareness of oneness that puts everything of the past and future in perspective. Here, we see that all we ever wanted and needed are in this nowness and always have been.

This can take practice. Once again, we don’t have to know how. We just need to have the desire to learn. Every time we turn our attention to this or get quiet for even a few seconds, we are declaring our desire and willingness to learn. This call for help is never left unanswered.

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Your permission slip…

Just in case you need a permission slip. It’s okay to rest. In fact, it’s not only okay; it’s one of the most important things we can do.

If I’m too busy, I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything meaningful. The periods when I get quiet and listen within accomplish more than all the busyness.

These periods aren’t just self-indulgent, nor are they being lazy. No. Not in the slightest. I’ve found that these periods of quiet listening and inner communion (some call it prayer) inform everything.

You don’t have to spend long hours doing this. What is actually more helpful is to spend many very short periods of even a minute or less throughout the day. And don’t worry if nothing seems to happen when you do this.

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