
Archive for September, 2023

How to have everything…

Inner peace isn’t found by searching for a different person, place, thing, condition, or circumstance. I know it can seem like these are the answers to our problems (whatever we see as stealing or threatening our peace).

But if we were really honest with ourselves, we’d see that we (more…)

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The art of doing nothing…

I’m working on mastering the art of doing nothing. This should not be confused with laziness. (Although there’s nothing wrong with some good ol’ fashioned lazy days, too.)

Doing nothing is an inner resting that you can actually practice even while you seem to be busy doing things. Huh?

Doing nothing is the practice (more…)

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Seeking and finding…

The only change that can ever take place is in this moment. We can’t change the last minute or the next, but we can see this moment through different eyes…which will change tomorrow.

When I go within and begin to see with more clarity, I can often see the past through different eyes; I often see how everything served the purpose of helping me to awaken to the spiritual truth, however much it may not have looked that way at the time.

It’s like everything is an incomprehensibly large tapestry. Looking up close, I might see (more…)

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Be kind to yourself. How do we do that? Sometimes, it seems easier to be kind to everyone but ourselves.

One way to bring yourself into the kindness fold is to imagine yourself as (more…)

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Everyone has faith. Every time I sit in a chair, I have faith that it will hold me up. This isn’t wishcraft or blind faith; my faith is based on my many experiences of sitting in chairs.

Faith comes with experience, so it’s okay to be afraid of failing at something new. When I see those fears rear up, I don’t fight them; I try to (more…)

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No matter what…

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Traveling lighter…

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. The beauty in change is so evident, and as the trees release their leaves, blanketing the ground with color, I am always reminded of the importance of letting go.

There are so many seasons in life, and as much as I would sometimes like to carry one season into another, it’s just not possible. The leaves disintegrate, the snow melts, and the flowers fall away, making room for the next season.

There’s so much said about letting go of the past, but how do you do that? (more…)

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Changeless beauty…

The mountain air filled my lungs with each breath as I walked the upward, sloping path dotted with wildflowers. Directed in the quiet of meditation, I watched the scene unfold as I approached the plateau where I was to meet myself.

Tears had burned my face for months; there was a ceaseless sense of emptiness, loneliness, and a profound sense of despair. I had experienced many challenges, but nothing as all-encompassing as this darkness that pervaded my being; I had never felt so utterly disillusioned and lost. It seemed that everywhere I turned and everywhere that I once found even the slightest sense of solace in the past, I found a door slamming against my battered being instead.

“Why don’t you try looking within?” A friend suggested kindly, probably exhausted by my incessant moans. At first, I didn’t think this would offer any real solution, but I knew one thing was sure, I had tried everything I knew throughout my life thus far, and the many efforts had led me to where I was…to this emptiness. At least going inward was something that I had not yet attempted. “What do I have to lose?” I reasoned inwardly. (more…)

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Hang in there…

I’m so happy that September is finally here! I’m not a big fan of summer, but I love autumn, and in the Princess’s kingdom, it starts Sept 1st!

Having faith that everything will be okay isn’t based on wishcraft; it’s based on spiritual principles. I know that appearances often don’t attest to this truth, but when we go deeper, we are able to see through these appearances to what is really true. This truth is always that everything is okay.

Seeing this, really seeing this through spiritual discernment, often breaks (more…)

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