
Archive for August, 2023

I’m exhausted from all the seizing I’ve been doing. I need less seizing and more cupcakes and naps.

I know it might sound strange, but when I’m really busy, I actually feel like I didn’t get anything done–anything with any real meaning. In the quiet, less busy moments in life, I find the meat (or veggies) that fills me. (I’m not a big meat eater.)

I have another busy day ahead, but I plan to take regular small intervals of time to get quiet.

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Looking to get love doesn’t fill us up; we feel fulfilled when we give love.

What most of us have come to call love is really more a contract based on expectations and reciprocity. You do this for me, and I’ll do that for you, and if you break the unspoken contract, well, that’s when things get a bit hairy.

Whenever we try to get love, we feed the idea that we are incomplete and lack something. When we do this, we feel a sense of need and lack. Not fun. When we give love without expectation, we are actually acknowledging our own completion and wholeness; in doing this, we begin to feel more complete. 

I know it can seem counterintuitive to say that if you feel like you need something or lack something, the best thing to do is give it. It’s something you have to practice for yourself and see. It’s rather like a siphon that pulls forth what’s always been inside so that we can become aware of it. The love we seek “out there” lives in our hearts, and when we begin to pour it out, we become aware of what we’ve always had.

Sometimes, it’s easier to see this when we pour our love out to pets and children because we generally don’t have the same expectations as we do with adults.

Do some pouring and find out if you don’t feel more full than you did before you gave.

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A gentle reminder…

It’s okay to set the past down. When we do this, it always looks different than we expected because all expectations are based on past learning. It’s infinitely better than anything the past has taught us or that we’ve outlined in our plans! Don’t worry; you will have everything you need and more.

When we truly lay down the past, we are stepping into the unknown, and that can be a little scary, but what we find is never frightening; it’s here that we find everything we’ve been searching for. You don’t need anything from the past, and there’s no need to lay down a future plan for protection either. We don’t lose anything by doing this, however much it can seem like we will. It’s here that we find Everything.

So how do we do this? How do we lay the past down? There are many ways to practice this (and it is a practice). Here’s one way that I find helpful:

Sit comfortably for a few minutes, but not so comfortable that you slip into a snooze. Tell yourself that for the next few minutes, you’re going to lay down all thoughts of the past and future–all your worries and grudges, regrets and fears. Tell yourself that you can pick them all up again when you’re done, but for now, you’re going to just set them in a pile off to the side.

Sit now and just listen within. Thoughts of the past and future will come to mind as you do this, but just remind yourself again that you are setting these things down for the next few minutes.

You can even directly address whatever comes to thought, “I see you. It’s okay. I’m just going to set you in this pile for a few minutes. I can pick you back up later if I want to.”

You’re not trying to have no thoughts; you are trying to just quiet your mind so you become aware of your real thoughts. These thoughts are always thoughts of peace. The other thoughts are the clouds that would block this peace from your awareness.

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I was a professional fine artist for many years. After I began having very profound spiritual experiences, I discovered I could paint. I left grad school and eventually began to receive painting commissions.

Painting taught me so many things; the least of them was how to paint. I learned that (more…)

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Believe me, sometimes I’m just done with everything that “will make me stronger,” but I always feel grateful for these challenges once I’m through the storm.

Passing through the dark clouds toward the sun isn’t fun, but you will bloom again…with stronger roots and more beautiful blossoms.

We are all destined to bloom. It most likely won’t look the way you thought it would; it will be far better.

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Magical messengers…

I’m thinking about belief this morning. We place our belief (trust, faith, and confidence) in so many things, many of which are so fearful. What do we really have to lose by placing more belief in magic and miracles? (By magic, I mean beautiful things that can’t be explained with human understanding, not a hocus-pocus type of magic.)

“But I’ll just be disappointed,” some might say. But (more…)

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I know it’s sometimes hard not to keep rereading the same chapters in our lives. Sometimes, I have to just stop and consciously look at what I’m doing and what I hope to accomplish.

Have any of my carefully placed bookmarks in all those chapters from the past ever (more…)

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I wonder if the caterpillar is aware that it is literally falling to pieces when it’s in the chrysalis. Does it become afraid? Does it think that things have really gone seriously wrong? Does it sit and plan how it will return to “normal,” inching along on the ground?

What is happening certainly can’t make any sense to it while it’s happening. Only as it finally emerges (more…)

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What the cluck!

If someone tells me I am covered in chicken feathers, I won’t begin plucking; I would continue on because I know it’s not true.

I would only get upset if (more…)

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Right here. Right now.

I was determined to find something to assuage the pain and emptiness deep within, and I left no stone unturned in this search. I would get an idea of where I could find this ever-elusive happiness, put on my bullhorns, and forge ahead with everything I had.

One day I began to see a pattern: I always started down a new path feeling exhilarated with the hope that this time I might find some sense of fulfillment. Invariably, they all (more…)

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